Warzone Update Quietly Removes Its Most Controversial ‘Feature’
Mike Sanders / 3 years ago

It’s been a little over a week now since the release of the new Call of Duty Warzone Pacific update and, by and large, the updated version is largely being well very received by gamers. Admittedly though, this might mostly be something to do with the fact that after nearly a whole year of Verdansk, anything different was a welcome change. – With the new update, however, came a very controversial mechanic. Namely, bloom.
Following a report via TechSpot, however, it seems that following the game’s most recent patch, this has now been mostly, if not completely, removed!
Warzone Has Removed Bloom Shooting Effects?
So, what is ‘bloom’. Well, it’s actually quite straightforward, but unfortunately not so simple as to be summarised in a single sentence. – The bottom line is that it was a ‘feature’ added to make shooting within the game a little more realistic and particularly so in terms of a firearms ‘real-world’ effective range. When in ADS mode (aim down sights), bloom meant that what your crosshair was pointing at wasn’t necessary exactly where your bullet would hit.
Now, the clear frustration here was that, at the risk of sounding obvious, people were getting annoyed that rather than not hitting what they were aiming at, they were barely (and particularly at range and with certain guns) not coming anywhere close. They could literally spray an entire magazine at a target who was seemingly able to dodge them like something out of the Matrix.
It seems, however, that with the new update, while bloom hasn’t been completely removed, it is at least a lot more user friendly now!

The Trouble With Balancing
The point of ‘bloom’ in Warzone was to effectively attempt to introduce a new form of balancing when it came to the variety of weapons offered and utilised within the game. In the real world, certain guns are clearly better being put to work only in certain uses. The idea of ‘bloom’ was that this would, at least in theory, and just for example, potentially see LMG’s take a higher practical usage over assault rifles in mid-range combat.
Ultimately though, all it really achieved was pissing the gaming community off. You see something, you plan your shot, line your target in your sights, you fire, and you expect to hit! Missing a couple, particularly with recoil is, of course, to be expected, missing every single shot, however, and even with a so-called marksman rifle, was undoubtedly a very frustrating experience to many. Bloom basically turned ADS into only slightly better than the spray and pray of hip firing with certain guns.
It seems though that both Activision and Raven have now acknowledged this problem, and while its removal/downgrade and influence on weapons are still being actively figured out by the community, the bottom line is that ‘bloom’ is nowhere near as annoying as it once was. – That being said though, it was undoubtedly a nice idea, it just didn’t really work out!
What do you think? How have you found the new Warzone Pacific? Managed to get any wins yet? – Let us know in the comments!