Waterproof Rubix Cube-Like System Runs Linux, Heads to Kickstarter
Is it a new shiny rubix cube? It could look like one, but in fact Cuberox is a Kickstarter project that includes 16×16 screens on a waterproof casing, having it powered by Linux and wireless charging.
The coolest rubix cube-like project is said to give you the ability to run various applications, making it the perfect home or even office solution. Having it based on a Unix platform, it gives the user limitless possibilities of running a separate app on each side of the cube. From a developer’s perspective, the device could be a gold mine and JavaScript, which is the main coding language for the device, would be the pickaxe.
In terms of specs, the device is said to feature built-in speakers, multicolored smart backlit technology, wireless connectivity and charging, all encased with a waterproof seal.
The device has currently surpassed the $35,000 mark for its ultimate $150,000 goal and has less than 30 days to go. More information on the device and project can be found over at Kickstarter.
Thank you Kickstarter and Tweak Town for providing us with this information