Windows Phone Store Is Now Home to over 300,000 Apps!
Wow that’s a big number, still not anywhere near ready to compete with Google and Apple but it shows that things are changing for Windows phones and Microsoft.
A spokesperson from Microsoft spoke with The Next Web and said:
“We have more than 300,000 Windows Phone apps today and the Windows Phone Store continues to grow. In the past year alone the Windows and Windows Phone app catalogue has grown 94%, while the number of active developers has grown by 50%”.
In 2012 the Windows Phone Store has a mere 100,000 apps to its name, now two years later that figure has tripled, impressive for two years. The Windows app market is growing at a rapid rate, more developers are moving onto the platform and more and more apps are sprouting up all over the place. In the last 6 months alone, 100,000 new apps were made for the Windows Phone Store. So maybe Windows Phone isn’t a dead platform after all, with rapid growth in apps and users with more phones accepting it as an OS, things are looking up for Microsoft and their Windows phones.
Thanks to Tweaktown for supplying us with this information.
Image courtesy of Tweaktown.