XFX HD 7790 Black Edition OC Review
There’s been a whole heap of 7790’s coming through my door recently and it doesn’t look like the flow is going to stop just yet. Never before have I had so many partners eager to get their products tested and reviewed for a particular launch, but as we know, Bonaire has stirred the entry level market right up and consequently every one wants a slice of the pie when it comes to sales. When it comes to the review side of things, what this means for both myself and you, the reader, is the I can give a better representation and judgement on how different cards perform and show their worth.
Next to come to the table with their version of the 7790 is XFX. After a little time of not seeing one of their cards with the Double Dissipation cooling system, Ghost thermal technology and in the case of the particular card that I’m looking at today, hand picked and binned components which mean that they have been selected for the Black Edition moniker that XFX pride themselves for as their top of the line range.
So what’s the advantage of chip binning I hear you ask; well only a few manufacturers sell cards that have hand picked and selected components, but these components that have been selected are in essence the cream of the crop and perform the best when tested, which for you the user means that when it comes to performance, they have just the little bit more to give. For the over clocker it means that there is potential for pushing it that little bit further as I will come on to later whilst consuming less power.
XFX tend to keep their bundles quite simple, but whilst this means that the box contains mostly paperwork, along with a Black Edition case badge, it also means the cost of having to include accessories that most users will keep in the box is eliminated, bringing the cost to the end user down at the same time.