Awesome Workstation Allows You to Work While Lying Down

/ 9 years ago

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The way we work has changed a lot over the years, with desk jobs becoming more and more popular. It’s common knowledge that sitting at a desk for hours at a time every day can have adverse effects on our health, and the worse part is that sometimes we don’t have a choice if we want to maintain decent levels of productivity. It’s not exactly easy to find a replacement for the standard desk, but we have stumbled upon this awesome workstation that allows its user to work in a very comfortable position. Created by a Sonova Valley-based company named Altwork, the Altwork Station is a versatile product that supports a variety of working positions, including lying down. Aimed at designers, writers and programmers, the workstation features four operating modes, namely Standing, Collaboration, Regular and Focus.

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In Focus mode, the chair takes on a completely horizontal position while the desk and monitor adjust accordingly. Peripherals are kept in place on the desk using magnets, and the user is able to work in a very relaxing posture. It might take a bit of getting used to, but this is definitely better for your health when compared to a regular sitting stance. Unfortunately, the workstation is rather large, which means that companies probably won’t be able to buy it in bulk and assemble it in regular offices for employees. It’s definitely worth purchasing if you’re working from home, but you would have to be prepared to spend $3,900, and this is only if you manage to buy one from the first run. The full price of the Altwork Station is going to be $5,900, which is not exactly cheap.

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