A New SIM-Based Spying Flaw Has Been Discovered

It has always been hypothetically possible that, in terms of your smartphone’s security, the SIM card has represented a far greater risk than the actual software. Fortunately (if that’s the right word), most attacks have generally been aimed at the operating systems.
It seems, however, that in a report via Engadget, an undetected security flaw has just been discovered that may have potentially, for 2 years, have allowed people to spy on your phone’s activity!

SIM Security Flaw Discovered
The security research group, AdaptiveMobile, has reported discovering a new vulnerability within sim card technology. Nicknaming it Simjacker, it allowed people to potentially spy on your smartphone. Worse, without you ever having received any indication of it happening.
So, how does it work? Well, Simjacker utilizes an SMS message containing instructions for an old S@T browser app supported by a number of sim card carriers. The hack can use this to obtain your location information and your phones unique ID. This can, therefore, be used on a ‘clone’ device that records the data. This can, therefore, spy on you. Worrying stuff!

Who Has Been Affected?
At the time of writing, no specifics have been given. What? You didn’t think they’d make the details of this exploit public, did you? It is, however, known that the vulnerability can work on both Android and iPhone devices. With it being detected within 30 countries over at least 2 years, however, it’s more than a little concerning. Particularly since it has only just been discovered.
The worst part is that as consumers, there’s not much we can do about this. It is, instead, up to the networks to plug this hole in the security. A fix that should hopefully come in the next few weeks. For the moment, however, there’s not a lot we can say. You can’t protect yourself against this so it’s just a case of keep calm and carry on.
What do you think? Do you worry about security on your smartphone? – Let us know in the comments!