AMD Radeon RX 7700 XT 12GB Graphics Card Review Featuring XFX QICK 319

/ 9 months ago

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Overall Game Average FPS

So, being honest, I think everyone had a good idea as to how the 7700 XT was going to perform, but there’s still some good points to talk about. The first being the increase in performance over the 6700 XT, which at 1080p, we do see an increase of 19% which isn’t bad, considering the $479 price tag that the RDNA2 GPU came in at for launch, though can obviously be had somewhat cheaper now. More interestingly, the RTX 4070 isn’t as ahead as first thought with only a 5% lead between them, though it’s very hard to ignore how much further up the chart the 7800 XT is. A card that is only $50 more expensive.

1440p is where this card is based though and that’s where we should be looking at, though the position of all of the cards are practically identical. The 7700 XT still has a 25% margin over the previous gen equivalent and this puts it just ahead of the RX 6800, and just behind the RTX 4070. Looking at each game, the 7700 XT put up a good fight against the RTX 4070 and only fell behind at 1440p by 7% which is pretty impressive overall.

While the card isn’t aimed at 4K gaming, it was clear to see that certain titles can be played on the 7700 XT and with an average FPS of over 60, depending on the game, it may be achievable but some settings may have to be reigned in to make the gameplay a bit more of a fluid experience.

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