AOC 27B3CA2 27″ 100Hz IPS Monitor Review

/ 4 months ago

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Display Analysis

While AOC didn’t provide a colour rating, 95% of sRGB is what I expected at this price range, and I’m happy to report it delivered exactly that.

There are three Gamma settings in the OSD, but honestly, leave them alone as the default setting is pretty much dead on the ideal 2.2 we were looking for.

A good gray ramp performanbce here, with very little deviance and largely it sits around the ideal target of 6500K throughout most of the the range, which is great.

AOC rated this monitor at 250 nits, and well, it’s pretty damn close, coming in at 247.5 nits, which is plenty bright for daily use, and it retained a stronger contrast ratio than expected too, of around 1300-1600:1.

Colour accuracy is very good, with an average of just 1.54, which would be significantly lower it not for the high blue innacuracy. However, this is a common thing at this price range and can largely be corrected by setting the colour temperature to warm, which results in an average Delta-E of 2.0, well under the 5.0 minimum we expect, and either way, under the more ideal 3.0 we class as ideal.

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