Asus F2A55-M (A55) Motherboard Review

/ 12 years ago

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When entering the BIOS, the first thing you will notice is that you are routed through to the EZ mode which allows you to check certain variables and to change the boot priority and tweak some presets, but overall you are quite limited. A quick shortcut to the advanced mode using F7 gets us to where we want to be though.

When entering the advanced mode, you will be thrown onto the “Main” tab which will give you information on the BIOS and APU that you’re using.

Ai Tweaker is where we want to be, as here we can tweak the APU speed including the memory and voltages of many aspects of the system. You can also tweak the memory timings and for a budget board, you’re not as limited as you may have thought you would be.

Advanced mode allows you to tweak certain aspects of the board including SATA and USB.

The monitoring section gives you the ability to check  temperatures and voltages including adjusting fan speed controls.

The boot section and tool section looks as we expect with a lot of familiar settings and the ability to flash the BIOS and add OC profiles.

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