Avatar Frontiers of Pandora DLSS 3 Frame Generation Mod Released

I really hope that this doesn’t start to become a trend for modern games where they release practically unplayable without mods first Cities Skylines and now Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. To be fair I am talking about this as if the games are completely unplayable but if I’m paying 50 quid for a game I want it to look and run magnificently.
Frontiers of Pandora DLSS 3 Mod
Frontiers of Pandora was released and the general consensus was that the story was ok nothing to write home about but it looked spectacular and I have to agree. Sadly this comes at a cost and that cost is the game’s performance and it is bad… like RTX 4090 10 FPS bad.
Don’t worry though because where a multi-million dollar company fails some random modder going by ‘PureDark’ has come to save the day and has released a new mod for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora that enables support for DLSS 3 Frame Generation.
Unfortunately, you do have to pay for the mod but I don’t think its that expensive you can get it here by going to PureDarks Patreon.