BioShock Mod Removes FPS Cap – Allows up to 144FPS
Bioshock, one of the most iconic FPS games of all time, is still just as great to play as it was when it was released, or is it? The PC game modding scene never ceases to amaze me and this time, the talented modder “Turtle [CPU Cool]” has released a mod that really brings BioShock into the modern age of PC gaming, again.
The games physics engine has a cap of 30FPS, or it did, as the new mod unlocks those already beautiful physics and kicks them up to 60, 120 and 144FPS targets, and if you think they looked great before, you haven’t seen anything yet!
The mod is available to download from GitHub, and if you’re looking for an excuse to replay this classic, this is the best one we’ve had in a long while. BioshockPhysicsUnlocker.exe is easy enough to install, just copy the file to your games directory, run the program, pick the FPS target you desire and you’re ready to rock.
For those of you with high refresh displays, the 144FPS mode is going to blow your mind. Check out the trailer for Phyiscs Unlocker below and be sure to check out the mod when you get a chance.
We love this mod, but what’s your favorite game mod?