
Razer Launch its Kishi V2 Controller for iPhone

Following the release of the award-winning Razer Kishi V2 for Android earlier this year, Razer has now announced the brand's…

2 years ago

Apple Offers $2M Bounty to Anyone Who Can Crack its iOS 16 ‘Lockdown’ Mode!

At some point within the next 4-12 weeks, Apple is expected to announce the official consumer release of its latest…

2 years ago

Apple Faces New Legal Challenge in UK Over iPhone Throttling

Taking a small trip down technologies memory lane, you may recall that back in 2017 Apple got into some exceptionally…

2 years ago

UK Government Has No Plans to Join EU in Mandating New USB-C Charging Standard

Earlier this week, and after months of speculation, the European Union finally confirmed that it was going to make it…

2 years ago

European Union Mandates the USB-C Charging Standard!

Over the last few years, the European Union has made more than a few overtures toward looking to standardise (as…

2 years ago

Survey Finds Adults Check their Smartphones 352 times a Day!

I absolutely detest smartphones. - Not because I have anything against the technology per se. It's more from the viewpoint…

2 years ago

EA Games May Be Up for Sale – Why This Crazy Rumour MIGHT Be True!

I think it would be fair to say that EA doesn't have the best reputation within the gaming community. In…

2 years ago

Apple to Finally Dump Lightning Port in Favour of USB-C by Late 2023?!

While Apple has continued to press forward with its proprietary Lightning charger connection port, the writing has been on the…

2 years ago

Apple Officially Launches its Self Service Repair Store!

For many years now, Apple has been the subject of a lot of criticism (both from customers and consumer groups)…

2 years ago

Apple Starts Pruning its Store With New Controversial App Requirements!

While there are many excellent programs to download on the Apple App Store, I think it would also be fair…

2 years ago

EU Votes to Make USB-C the New Connection Standard (Bad News For Apple?)

By and large these days, USB-C has, pretty much, become the new unofficial standard of charging cables for the vast…

2 years ago

‘Dumbphone’ Sales Soar as People Grow Tired of Overcomplicated Smartphones

It often surprises many people who know me well to learn that while I absolutely love technology (it would be…

2 years ago

Apple Made an Extra $6.5 Billion by Scrapping iPhone Accessories

Back in 2020, Apple announced that as part of a supposed environmental move, moving forward, they would no longer supply…

2 years ago

Mikes Rant Christmas Edition – What I Got Right/Wrong in 2021!

For the last few years here at eTeknix, I've made it something of a tradition in the post-Christmas/pre-New Year period…

3 years ago

Mikes Rant Christmas Edition – The 5 Tech Winners Of 2021

While 2021 has proven to be a pretty awful year in regards to buying certain aspects of technology, that doesn't…

3 years ago