
China Reportedly Shuts Down Factories Amid Power Crisis!

Although certainly not well publicised outside of the country (leading you to almost believe that the media was pathologically state-controlled…

2 years ago

Microsoft Speeds Up Xbox Series X/S Boot Time With Very Simple Solution!

Do you have any particular issue with the cold boot-up start time of the Xbox Series X or S? As…

2 years ago

Japan to Test 330-Tonne Ocean Turbine Offering Potentially Limitless Energy!

It seems pretty clear that if the human race is going to have any chance of surviving the next few…

2 years ago

Energy Provider Advises Consumers to Save Money By Switching Off “Vampire” Tech

I think many consumers are aware that even when a technology product is turned off, it is still entirely capable…

2 years ago

Windows 11 to Feature Dynamic Refresh Rate Technology

Although there is clearly something of an issue in terms of compatibility for some users, it's hard to deny that…

3 years ago

Research Says Bitcoin Uses More Energy than Switzerland

Bitcoin Mining Tops Switzerland's Power Usage It's hardly any secret that in many locations around the world, there are factories…

5 years ago

Sony Commits To Be 100% Renewable Energy By 2040

Sony Commits To Be 100% Renewable Energy By 2040 Sony is an absolutely massive company. In terms of technology, there…

6 years ago

Plastic Waste Could Be Used To Create Hydrogen Energy

Plastic Waste Could Be Used To Create Hydrogen Energy One of the biggest environmental problems that we have in the…

6 years ago

Bitcoin Mining Will Take 0.5% of the World Energy By End 2018

Bitcoin Mining Is Set To Take 0.5% of the Total Worlds Energy Output By the End of the Year With…

6 years ago

First Rechargeable Proton Battery Created

Worlds First Proton Rechargeable Battery Created At present, batteries are largely of a lithium-ion design. Despite the fact that they…

6 years ago

Cow Pats Could Be The Answer To The Energy Crisis

Cow Pats Might Solve the Energy Crisis When it comes to the power crisis, what we know for certain is…

6 years ago

World First Floating Wind Farm is Activated in UK

Floating Wind Farms One thing is clear as we move into the 21st century, we need to solve the energy…

7 years ago

Britain Achives First Day of Coal-Free Power in 135 Years

British culture has revolved heavily around coal for well over a 100 years, for better and for worse. The first…

7 years ago

Ultrasonic Clothes Dryer – Faster and More Efficient

An ultrasonic clothes dryer has been invented which is reported to reduce the time required by half and is 70%…

7 years ago

“Star in a Jar” Fusion Reactor Could Deliver Limitless Energy

A team of German scientists successfully fired up a prototype nuclear fusion reactor earlier this year and, following months of…

8 years ago