Cheat Provider Withdraws From Battlefield 2042 Because the Game Runs Too Poorly!

/ 3 years ago
battlefield 2042

For many years, game developers, and particularly those who dabble in the world of online competitive shooters, have faced an uphill battle when it comes to cheat detection. Despite the creation of many new anti-cheat programs over the years, I think it would be fair to say that none of them have ever stayed in front of the disingenuous part of the gaming community for long. In fact, most never seem to get ahead of them at all! – It seems, however, that with Battlefield 2042, EA may have finally found a 100% perfect solution to the cheating problem!

What is it I hear you ask? Well, following a Twitter post by user ‘@_Tom_Henderson_‘ a major provider of cheat software (who I’m not going to name here) has officially withdrawn its support and service for Battlefield 2042. – Why? Well, the short version is because they’ve said that the game runs too poorly for it to work correctly!

Battlefield 2042 – Too Bad Even For Cheating?…

No, you don’t need a trip to the opticians, you read that correctly! One of the biggest cheat providers has officially withdrawn its support for Battlefield 2042. Not because they’ve had a sudden bout of morality, but because they’ve concluded that the game (specifically the PC version) runs so poorly that their cheating software simply can not operate as intended!- And given that people pay for access to the hacks they create, rather than dealing with the complaints of users not being able to pull off 360 no-scope headshots at 600 yards, the creators of the cheating software has simply decided to completely and somewhat gracefully withdraw themselves from the title entirely!

Yes, EA may have finally found a way to beat cheaters. Simply release a game that is so clunky and poorly optimised that even the people who try to make cheating software for it have to give up!

What Do We Think?

Battlefield 2042 isn’t a good game. Yes, I daresay some of you reading this have probably taken some pleasure out of it, but for all its hype and promise, EA ultimately delivered us another half-baked product that can make even cutting-edge systems give a level of performance more in line with a potato. Admittedly though, why did we (once again) expect anything better of them?…

EA will not, of course, ever admit that Battlefield 2042 is a mess. Additionally, they will certainly not acknowledge that it has just gotten a damn sight cleaner solely because one of the biggest providers of cheat software declared it, basically, too crap to work with. – Let’s face it though, this is a major embarrassment for EA.

When your game is so bad that even people who make money by creating cheats for it don’t want anything to do with it anymore, you know you’ve got a problem!

What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!

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