Coolink Corator DS CPU Cooler Review

/ 13 years ago

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A Closer LookNow taking a look at the heatsink we can see that it has 4 fairly large copper heatsinks coming out of the base and into the numerous fins.

As you can see, in the right tower of the heatsink there are more fins than on the left tower. Supposedly this improves the heat transfer as the air flow is less restricted entering into the heatsink via the left-hand side.

From the side you can see the metal clips used to hold the fan in place, a very simple method but it does work.

Taking a look at the copper base, we can see it is extremely smooth and that the heatpipes are actually part of the copper block and as such are in direct contact with the CPU’s heat spreader (or at least the thermal paste between the two).

The fan they have used is the standard Coolink SWiF2-120P fan which can also be purchased separately.

This fan unlike its competitors has blades that have been twisted round giving more of a spiral look to the fan.This is more what you would expect from a turbine than a case or CPU fan.

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