Coolink Corator DS CPU Cooler Review

/ 13 years ago

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Final ThoughtsWhile it didn’t beat the Akasa Venom it did perform quite well and its rare we see a product priced in this bracket that can get close. Unfortunately the Akasa Venom is cheaper, smaller and does look better and for these reasons we can’t give it the Gold award. That said, it is marginally quieter than the Akasa Venom.

We think that the design of the Corator is very good, it looks like it should have a lot of potential but it just lacks the airflow from its one fan to really rival the Akasa Venom. Unfortunately, the Coolink Corator DS did also have a bit of a ‘whine’ when running at full speed which was slightly annoying to the ears, it was slightly quieter than the Akasa Venom but by such a small amount the whine probably cancels it out.

If the Akasa Venom didn’t exist we’d probably say this was a really good cooler, but we have to compare it to the rest of the market and it just doesn’t perform for the extra cost, size and weight of the Corator.


  • It does provide some very decent cooling
  • Is fairly quiet even when compared to its competitors
  • Very well made and extremely solid


  • It is very large
  • It weighs a whole 1kg
  • Can be beaten by something smaller and cheaper

Attached files

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