Enermax Triathlor 700W Semi-Modular Power Supply Review

/ 11 years ago

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Enermax’s Triathlor FC 700W power supply is available at one of our preferred retailers for £88.44. This is by no means the cheapest unit of its type (80 Plus Bronze | Hybrid Modular | 700W~) and is more expensive than most of the competition which starts at about £75/80 and goes as high as about £100. The Enermax Triathlor FC 700W PSU is quite widely available but Enermax could work on boosting availability of the product that little bit more at other retailers like Overclockers UK (who actually stock all the other Triathlor FC models except this one.


I really have very little bad to say about the Enermax Triathlor FC 700W power supply. We saw voltage regulation and ripple/noise suppression that wouldn’t be out of place on a £200+ 80 Plus Platinum power supply – meaning it is fantastic. I really wasn’t expecting to see such high performance for what is still a “relatively” entry/mid-range high wattage power supply. We saw great PFC and the efficiency was actually high enough to pass 80 Plus Silver certification despite only being Bronze rated. Of course the reason Enermax opted for Bronze is that efficiency varies by temperature and load type and this power supply is borderline Bronze/Silver. Additionally Enermax have really sharpened up with the aesthetics of their modular cables and I love that they’ve opted for flat black modular cables. The hard-wired cables still suck a bit, but there are only two of them so you could easily grab a few extensions if aesthetics really mean that much to you.

My only concerns are that the fan does ramp up to quite high RPMs at medium-high loads. Of course if you’ve configured your system well then this would only happen under heavy loads meaning other components of your system are likely to be louder, but that said 1600RPM at 60% load isn’t ideal. Although it’s worth noting the T.B Silence fan is still pretty quiet at 1600RPM, just not inaudible. It is definitely quieter than the bulk OEM ADDA fans equipped with a lot of power supplies out there. Pricing is also a little bit high too but after testing the unit it is easy to see why. The higher price comes from the higher quality components used which give the impressive performance


  • We Saw 80 Plus Silver Efficiency
  • Good Modular cables
  • High PFC
  • Amazing Voltage Regulation
  • Very Strong Ripple and Noise Suppression
  • Sharp looking design
  • 3 Year Warranty


  • Fan became quite loud from 60% load
  • Only certified for Bronze
  • Fixed cables aren’t very attractive

“If having 80 Plus Bronze efficiency is enough efficiency for you then the Triathlor FC 700W PSU is just a phenomenal power supply and performs similarly, if not better, than its more expensive Gold and Platinum rated competitors. It’s got some of the best performance on the market thanks to its high quality components like Japanese capacitors and the DC to DC converter design. If you want clean, stable and safe power in an attractive design with the flexibility of modular cabling then the Triathlor FC 700W is a great choice for any high-end system. The only blemish on an otherwise great product is the slightly over-zealous fan profile at higher loads.”

Enermax Triathlor FC 700W Semi-Modular Power Supply

Thank you to Enermax for providing this review sample.

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