French Teen Names WiFi After ISIS – Gets Suspended Jail Sentence
Coming up with creative names for you Wi-Fi is almost a tradition in the tech world, and can often be pretty hilarious. However, it seems not everyone thinks logically before naming their Wi-Fi, such as a teen in France, who has been convicted in court for naming his Wi-Fi “Daesh21” after a neighbour saw the name and reported it to police.
“There was no sympathy for terrorism! There was only the word ‘Daesh21’,” said lawyer Karima Manhouli, who also said he would appeal his client’s criminal conviction.
The widely-used Arabic acronym for ISIS, Daesh, it’s something the court took lightly. Something the 18-year-old from Dijon knows all too well now after being reported.
“It was a stupid act by a young man of 18 who can’t explain why he did it,” he said.
“There was an investigation and searches but nothing was found. There is nothing to suggest [my client] shares this ideology. On the contrary, he strenuously denies it,” Manhouli said.
The court gave him a suspended jail sentence after he had turned down an offer to do 100 hours of community service. While the boy hasn’t really done anything wrong, French official are taking steps to ensure there is no sympathy for terrorism give the numerous attacks in the country, and I’m sure that’s something that won’t just be limited to Wi-Fi names.