Gigabyte Z68X UD5 B3 Motherboard Review

/ 13 years ago

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Test Setup and Overclocking
Test Setup
[HR][/HR]Our test system very rarely changes, and there is reasoning behind this. The reason that our test system rarely changes is so that we can keep the continuity flowing which leads to our results being part of a fair test, especially when comparing to other components.

Our test machine comprises of:

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5
Intel i5 2500k/Intel i7 2600k
4GB Kingston HyperX DDR3 2133MHz
Cooler Master Hyper TX3
AMD Radeon HD 6850
Thermaltake ToughPower Cable Management 1200W
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

[HR][/HR]We decided to take things a lot further with regards to this board, and instead of sticking to the lowest possible voltage, we thought we’d aim for the stars. We have a set target to aim for from our overclocking results on the P67A-UD7, giving us 5GHz, yet that board didn’t benefit at all from any higher voltage whereas this board was able to take 5.2GHz with 1.625V. A simple task to get these numbers, but temperatures did continue to rise quite high, and if running at this clock 24/7, we’d want to make sure cooling wasn’t sacrificed.

CPU-Z is showing the voltage incorrectly due to the Z68 platform, though this should be rectified within the next build we hope.

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