Hellblade 2 Won’t Be Coming To VR Anytime Soon

I never really got on the hype for VR, I could never get comfortable with the headsets, or the cost of a pretty decent one. For the few of you who do dive into the world of VR, however, I am sorry to say that VR won’t be coming to Hellblade 2 anytime soon, or perhaps… ever.
Why Hellblade 2 Won’t be Coming to VR
According to PCGamesN after they spoke with Ninja Theory about Hellblade 2 the developer said that they had no port in the works. This may be because when Senua’s Sacrifice VR version was originally released the popularity of VR wasn’t what it is now or maybe because trying to immerse yourself in VR is like trying to relax in a bouncy castle, you keep being brought back to reality.
Senua’s Sacrifice
This is partly due to games like Senua’s Sacrifice where you are trying to immerse yourself and relax you can’t really do that standing up in more often than not a limited space environment.
But this isn’t to say there isn’t any hope as VR is still on the rise with releases like the Meta Quest 3 and more big publishers are still moving to support VR. Not to mention the most successful VR games were previously not intended for VR and were popular games brought to VR after their initial success on PC or Console.