Intel 14th Generation CPU Review Feat i5 14600K, i7 14700K & i9 14900K

/ 8 months ago

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Power Consumption

Power consumption is measured at idle, during a Cinebench R23 run and during a gaming benchmark run of Cyberpunk 2077, which is a very CPU-intensive game. By getting 3 performance metrics, it allows us to see a better picture of the average user and what they are typically going to see in terms of power draw for just the processor itself.

There’s also good news for the i9 in terms of power draw, where again, over 12 games it did see a reduction, though only by 2% so to see any benefit in terms of the cost of running it, you’d be paying a little more for every 200 hours of gaming, so nothing to cause any concern. The i7 has seen a jump in power usage of 13%, though that was expected due to the extra cores and cache, while the i5 actually saw a decrease in power usage by 13%, which is making me think we may have a pretty decent i5 14600K here that can run with less power and quite dramatically cooler too, it’s just a shame that it doesn’t offer much more performance overall.

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