Kicker Cush Headphones Review

/ 12 years ago

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Overall I think its safe to say I didn’t like the Cush headphones, they just aren’t for me in terms of audio reproduction and performance. Although this is the best part about the headphone market, there is a lot of choice and everyone has different preferences in what they want in terms of tone range, what music they listen to, their budget and style preferences. Where the Cush didn’t tick enough boxes for me, they might for the next person.

In terms of style the Cush are right up there, for a set that cost under £40 they have a lot of style, superb build quality and overall comfort and for some people that is more than enough to justify a purchase.

I wasn’t expecting earth shattering performance for this price range and I didn’t find it either. While the headphones do feature some epic size drivers these only provide huge amounts of volume and not the audio range I would have expected.

The sound quality isn’t as bad as I may make it sound though, they’re average at best in terms of audio reproduction but do offer exceptional clarity and that’s better than most headphones within this price range, especially when you take into account the build quality and style features.

While the Kicker Cush do miss out on one of our eTeknix awards, they are good in terms of price vs performance, but for me personally I would choose a set that looks ugly and gives me flawless audio performance without giving it a second though. It’s up to you which is more important, image or audio?

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