Kingston HyperX ’10th Anniversary’ DDR3 1866MHz 8GB Memory Kit Review

/ 11 years ago

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After eating a tasty slice of humble pie and seeing my second ‘Limited Edition’ kit in under two weeks since CES, what a kit to eat that slice to. Its been proven that Kingston have been one of the few select choices for top level gamers over the last 25 years and even more so with their HyperX top performing kits over the last ten, and the 10th Anniversary kit is a mark of their excellence and engineering expertise.

I’ve always liked how Kingston have kept their HyperX kits on a relatively conservative design path and focussed more on the circuitry underneath to give the best performance possible, after all its all and well looking good, but if it doesn’t perform any where near the level, then why consider buying it? Kingston have kept this simple design right on track here and the silver/grey mixture looks great and would certainly stand out from the rest of a system once installed.

In a similar fashion to the design, I have to take my hat off to Kingston as this kit has been one of the easiest and simplest to overclock that I’ve seen in recent months, granted I could spend a little more time with it in a proper overclocking session and give it some more cooling and voltage to suit, but for the every day user or gamer this really is going past the mark of where they want to tinker and this is why i no longer look at memory in this way. To give a great recommendation for this particular kit, I would say, set the XMP profile to #1, then up the divider to 2133MHz, set the timings to auto and away you go. Very simple to do and the results are significant for only two minutes of work in the BIOS.

There are a number of variations on offer for the 10th anniversary kit with both dual and quad channel kits on offer with capacities up to 32GB and speeds from 1600MHz to 2400MHz; this kit sits a little towards to lower end of the line-up but we do still have a competitive price point with this kit looking to hit the shelves at around the £60 mark when it is available.

I look forward to seeing another 10 years of HyperX and maybe I will one day get to look at their 20th or even 25th anniversary kits, but until then, the gamers out there will keep putting their trust in Kingston and showing their respect by continuing to buy their products. Overall, given the long standing trust and the expected future support by games, I’d be stupid not to give this our Gamers Choice award.

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