Legend of Zelda Gets The Oculus Rift Treatment
Peter Donnell / 11 years ago
Developers never cease to blow my mind with their Oculus Rift creations and th latest effort which sees the gaming masterpiece that is The Legend of Zelda for the original NES brought into the real of virtual reality is nothing short of awesome.
the new demo is a little bit of a headache factory, and the 8-bit graphics don’t really scale as well as you would like, but the end result does mean that you can go free roaming in the world of Zelda, beating the crud out of enemies with your trusty sword!
Only the first dungeon and the game’s overworld are available in the demo, but the plan is to scale up the whole game to be playable by March of this year, and best part of all it’ll be free!
If you’ve got an Oculus Rift and want to get in on the action, you can download the demo here. If you don’t have an Oculus Rift, you’ll just have to settle for the eye bending video below.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/6gzXHUyfdyM[/youtube]Thank you Engadget for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Engadget.