Microsoft Adds ‘Energy Saver’ Feature to Its Xbox One Consoles

/ 9 years ago


Customers who buy a new Xbox One console will be greeted by a new screen after booting the device. This will prompt the user to choose between “instant-on” and “energy-saving” power modes, having the default be instant-on in the US up until now.

The power-consuming option lets the console download updates and content while not in use, while also providing a way for users to wake it up by yelling at it. However, the National Resource Defense Council openly criticised the Xbox One’s always-on power option.

“Although Microsoft reduced the power drain from its ‘instant-on’ mode from 18 watts to 12.5 watts, the mode is still the default when it comes out of the box and the user is not even given the option to disable it during the initial setup,” the NRDC wrote.

Current Xbox One users are also able to make the switch by going to the “Power & Startup” section in Settings. Also, Microsoft states that the new energy-saving feature can save players an average of $6 to $15 per year in the US.

Thank you Endgadget for providing us with this information

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