Microsoft Offers Office Pirates A Discount for them to ‘Go Straight’
Mike Sanders / 3 years ago
While Microsoft Office certainly represents both an excellent and popular piece of software, it does come with a pretty notable problem. Namely, it’s rather expensive. Well, the full version of it is at least. With this in mind, therefore, rather than owning a legitimate copy, many people turn to pirated versions for their needs. – Following a report via PCWorld, however, it seems that Microsoft is not only fully aware of some of the people doing this, but more so, they’re actually trying to tempt them into going legitimate!
Microsoft Offers Discount to Office Pirates!
As part of the report, a number of people (who clearly have chosen to remain anonymous) have confirmed that over the last few days, they’ve received a notification from within their pirated versions of Office. Within it, Microsoft seems to know that the particular version being used isn’t legitimate. Rather than offering them any notably huge levels of threats (which they probably couldn’t follow up anyway), however, the users have reported that, instead, Microsoft is offering them a pretty hefty discount on getting a legitimate version of the software!
There is A Catch!
While offering these pirates a 50% discount sounds like a solid offer in itself, the only apparent downside is that this is not towards the full version of Microsoft Office (which costs around $250). It is, instead, a 50% discount on a year’s subscription to Office 365 (basically a pay-as-you-go version). – As such, we daresay that this isn’t really going to be enough to tempt them into taking the straight and narrow path.
I mean, while a 50% discount is certainly nice, they’re not paying for what they have right now, and a temporary version is hardly the best sweetener they could’ve dandled. Still, it’s an offer, and it’s more than most tend to do in this situation. Albeit, one that might possibly piss off those who are paying for the full subscription to Office 365.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!