MSI Motherboards to Ditch Paperwork Moving Forward!

Whenever you buy a motherboard or practically any tech product for that matter, it’s certainly not unusual to find a small mountain of paperwork inside the packaging. Product manual, warranty information booklet, stickers, promotional material, competition fliers, you get the idea. – With most of this generally being unimportant to the consumer though, who most of the time simply wants to get at their hardware, this does clearly create rather a lot of waste. – Following a report via TechPowerUp, however, in order to attempt to combat this, MSI has confirmed that, moving forwards, their motherboard models will no longer come with any unnecessary paperwork!

MSI to Cut Down on Waste Paper With Their Motherboards
As part of an official statement, MSI has said:
“MSI is committed to mitigating the environmental impacts of its business activities through green production and supply chain management. We have invested actively into improving energy consumption, waste reduction and chemical substance control in response to climate change risk.
For better energy saving, carbon reduction and to protect trees, MSI motherboards will remove the unnecessary paper attachments in the future, which includes Reward Program, Shout Out Flyer, Product Catalog and User Manual. In spite of the removal of these paper appendices, users can find all the information in digital format, no matter via MSI website, QR code on color box, or digital manual.”

Not Just Good for the Environment, But…
Admittedly, while MSI might be singing the praises of such a bold environmental move, the cynical viewpoint does, of course, highlight the fact that removing the paper significantly reduces MSI’s production costs. Admittedly, not by an absolute fortune, but presuming it costs them around £1 for the product/promotional material inside each motherboard, removing it will undoubtedly help maximise profits in what is, overall, a challenging time for manufacturers. It’s no secret, just for example, that the cost of printing, and materials such as paper and cardboard, have shot up quite significantly over the last 18 months.
The bottom line though is, with the information being available online, which a few might grumble, on the whole, this is probably a good move for everyone moving forward.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!