Netflix Begins Hiring For A Major Gaming Title?

Over the last few years streaming giant Netflix has been making more and more overtures to wanting to get into the world of video games. Admittedly, exactly what form this would take has always been a little unclear with most rumours suggesting they were initially looking to go down the ‘streaming‘ road as more of a platform/publisher rather than a developer.
Following a new job advertisement listing, however, it appears that Netflix isn’t just looking for game developers to join their team, but it seems that it might be for an upcoming, and dare I even say even major AAA-scale, project!

Netflix is Hiring Game Developers!
Make no bones about it, this isn’t a casual dipping of the metaphorical toe in the game development pool. Netflix is currently and actively looking to fill what most would consider some of the most major roles game development has. This includes a game director, a technical director, and an art lead. With mentions being made of Unreal Engine and even online aspects of gameplay within the description, it seems pretty clear that whatever they’re planning here, it isn’t likely going to be small.
An obvious conclusion, of course, is that they’re looking to create a development studio charged with creating titles based on their popular TV series. Something which Netflix mostly outsourced to other companies in the past on a licensing fee basis. And, let’s be honest, a AAA Stranger Things title would be awesome.
What about streaming though? Well, while this is still a possibility, I get the feeling that the overall failure of Google Stadia may have cooled Netflix’s interest in that.
If you do, however, want to learn more, you can check out the official job listings via the link here!
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