Netflix Offers Parental Leave – Paid For A Year
Employees are people, this fact is well-known, but often ignored by a lot of companies, ultimately this means that people don’t enjoy working where they are because they are just another cog in the machine. Once in a while though we get to write an article about a company who seem to care about their employees, and in this case Netflix are on the top of the list.
Both male and female staff will eventually face the challenges of parenting, and normally this comes with the side effect of messing up your work life. Either you leave, go on maternity leave for a little bit then come back as soon as possible, or keep working while booking off days as sick or holiday. Netflix, however, is doing a different route, they are instead offering new parents, male and female, a year of paternity (and maternity) leave; While this may sound like a good deal, it does come with some fine print.
Just kidding Netflix are the good guys, not only do you get a year off for the child’s first year and it comes fully paid. This means that as a dad or a mom, you can spend as much time with your child as you want. Even coming into work on occasion throughout the year and then going back onto leave afterward.
The added bonus, when you come back from leave you are guaranteed your job. Your job though doesn’t have to be the same one you left, it can be full-time or part-time depending on what you prefer now that you have a little one growing up.
The full details were announced in a blog post from the company, in which their chief talent officer, Tawni Cranz, stated “this new policy, combined with our unlimited time off, allows employees to be supported during the changes in their lives and return to work more focused and dedicated”.
A company which cares for its staff seems like more people could be looking at Netflix to lead the way in employee satisfaction.
Thank you Netflix for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Netflix Pr.