Nvidia RTX 4080 Graphics Card Review

/ 2 years ago

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Power, Temperatures & Acoustics

Now a couple of other things to go through comes down to the cooling performance on each of the models we have here where we see, after an hour loop of F1 22, that the MSI SuprimX model comes in with the coolest GPU and hotspot temperatures at 60 and 71 degrees respectively when compared to the other cards, with the INNO3D actually coming in at the hottest, but still within safe parameters. One area that the INNO3D did fairly well was on the memory temperature, at 60 degrees, along with the FE model from NVIDIA, though the Gigabyte stole the show here slightly at 58 degrees max.

It’s not all praise though as the Gigabyte card did see the fans spin up to just over 1700 RPM during the hour loop, while the FE card actually came in the lowest at just over 1300 RPM, followed by the INNO3D iCHILL card.

When it comes to audible noise, the MSI came in the best at 40 decibels, followed closely by the INNO3D and Palit cards at 42 decibels. The NVIDIA FE card was a little louder at 43 decibels, and sadly due to the fans spinning so fast, the Gigabyte Gaming OC was the loudest 4080 we had at 49 decibels.

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