Overclockers UK Ultima 10.1″ IPS Android 4.1 Tablet Review

/ 11 years ago

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The Ultima runs on the ever popular Android Jelly Bean and with it it brings all the features and support that people have come to expect from the OS, leaving plenty of room for support for all the latest applications and games that are available on the Play Store.


The touch screen is really responsive too and while I did notice some minor lag in some applications this seemed to be more the result of the application its self rather than the tablets processing power. The tablet comes equipped with cool features such as Movie Studio that let you edit video clips together, unfortunately the video quality that the two built in cameras are capable of are pretty poor. The video capabilities are enough for a quick Skype video call, but don’t expect to be making the next block buster with the tools on offer.


8GB of built in NAND Flash is a welcome addition here and it provides more than enough room to download and operate even the most demanding memory hog applications. Given that the tablet is WiFi only there is little concern for having to download something when you need it, or you could always upgrade the storage with a 32GB MicroSD card should you really need all that extra space.


I decided to put the graphics through their paces on the very handy Epic Citadel, an Unreal Engine 3 tech demo that allows you to walk around a detailed Citadel and explorer what the game engine is capable of on mobile platforms.


Even at max graphics the tablet provided a smooth and crystal clear image, plus the colours of the IPS panel really bring out the finer details of the game environment.


As you can see, on high quality the tablet pulled an impressive 37.5 FPS, compare that to my current phone the HTC One X+ which got 59FPS running on Tegra 3 and there is no doubt that the Ultima still packs quite a punch.


Drop the quality settings and the tablet got that rate upto 42FPS, either way there is little doubt that the Ultima can handle just about anything in terms of gaming performance from the Play Store.


HD Video playback (using VLC App) was fantastic too, stutter free on a HD video file and some fantastic image quality were backed up by a rather impressive sounding built in speaker that made it more than satisfactory to watch a film on this device, handy for when your stuck on a long journey.

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