Patriot Box Office Core Media Player Review

/ 13 years ago

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Final ThoughtsThe Patriot Box Office is a neat, compact device which has the added bonus of being able to be used with an internal 2.5″ SATA hard drive to playback your media from or be used by the build in Bit Torrent client to download content directly to. Its playback capabilities are impressive and it performed flawlessly in this regard.

When setting up the network connectivity to the device however we did need to change some permissions on windows 7 to allow it to connect to the network share, Patriot themselves do document some details of how to setup the device for windows 7 which can be found here.

As you can see it required changing some registry settings which is far from ideal and did not seem to like the password authentication of windows 7 although after making the recommended changes it worked perfectly.

If you’re a less technically advanced user I would strongly advise using a UPNP server on your PC to share your content rather than using a file share, unless you’re not using security on your shares and are happy for them to be accessible by anyone on your local network.

Overall although it does have its downsides I think the Patriot Box Office is fantastic value for money considering the features and flexibly it offers for the price and would recommend it to those user who are a bit more technical and looking looking for a feature rich media player.

Attached files

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