Plantronics Gamecom 777 Gaming Headset Review

/ 13 years ago

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Performance and Comfort
In general, this headset will impress you. The sound quality is pretty impressive and everything is very clear and sounds very natural. I was especially impressed with the bass and not for the usual reasons. Instead of the bass being tweaked so it thumps against your ears it is very much more a gentle punch. In clubs for instance you will find the bass has been given a small amplification but in this headset it is how it was meant to sound. Not only that, it can cope with the lower frequency bass notes and so in fact you can listen to Dubstep music to Classical music without any problems and it will all sound very good – yes, I do test Dubstep! In fact there is very little distortion over all frequencies at any volume, this level of quality is very impressive for a non-professional headset.

However, with the Dolby switch turned on it is hard to say whether it sounds as though it is proper surround sound. It certainly sounds like it surrounds you, so maybe that is surround sound. Unfortunately due to the design it doesn’t sound as though you are in a cinema watching a film in which you have proper surround sound. This headset generates the surround sound and tries to reproduce it through 2 speakers which is clearly never going to work too well – called virtual surround sound. It does however sound good, you will be immersed into the film or game, but it’s just not quite right, or more precisely not quite what I expect to hear from surround sound – especially from Dolby. That said, you will still certainly enjoy using these headphones and the quality is very impressive and as I just mentioned it feels like it is surround sound but I just wouldn’t guarantee that you could tell exactly where a sound is coming from, which in a game may be a bit limiting – or at least not as precise as other surround sound headsets.

In games then, maybe it is a tad limiting, but I found no real problems. The microphone gives very good clarity and you can certainly hear your team mates clearly – you will find that you have never heard voices from radio or games as clear as with this headset, you just won’t miss a word. If you aren’t the serious type of gamer who needs to have extremely precise sound locations then this will make your gaming experience very enjoyable.

I nearly forgot to mention, this headset is the most comfortable I have ever worn, it is also fairly light and feels well balanced. Both the Ear Cups and the Headband are well cushioned while having enough resitance to stay fixed in place. They feel very nice to wear, and work without any problems. The microphone is also positioned perfectly and I love being able to move it out the way so easily and out of sight – it is also a much better idea than the detachable microphone.

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