PlayStation 4 Stand Made of Real Wood will Debut at TGS

/ 11 years ago


Now before I start I can see that this isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea so please keep the hate to yourself, cheers. This is the new stand that will be officially unveiled by German manufacturer Balolo at the Tokyo Game Show this year. It’s made of real Japanese cypress wood, sounds impressive,  and is a result of demand from fans of the genuine wood cover for the PS4 console itself made by the same manufacturer. Not only is Balolo going to unveil this at TGS this year but they will also unveil some pretty snazzy Nintendo 3DS stylus’ that are made from the same material as the stand. Just in case you’re a bit of a nature warrior, the wood that is used in producing these products is from a method called tree thinning, the trees aren’t chopped down for the sake of a few stands and DS pens.

There will also be a longer stand for the PS4 in case your prefer to have that ‘supported’ look in a stand. Something about having a solid piece of wood rather than two little bits at each end would make me trust it a lot more.



Thanks to Dualshockers for providing us with this information.

Images courtesy of Dualshockers.

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