Razer SW:TOR Edition Headset Review

/ 12 years ago

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I think it is safe to say that Razer has done themselves proud in designing the SW:TOR headset, it looks as if they have put their hands into the star wars films and plucked it straight out, making it highly appealing to any true Star Wars fan. But not only have they made the product look stylish, they have matched it with high performance and a mostly solid build quality to provide a product that feels special to own and to use.

The headset itself was a joy to use, fitting comfortably over the head and ears, and providing head rumbling power and bass matched with very clear highs and mids. They were incredibly easy to customise and set up for personal tastes and had some very handy features like on ear volume and mute buttons for both the speakers and the mic and one of the best features is that they are synapse 2.0 compatible, so you don’t need to worry about losing your perfectly tweaked profiles if you move to a new machine, as they will download automatically.

As with everything though there were a few negative points to bring out. The configuration software was not always as responsive as I would have hoped, sometimes taking a few seconds to change a setting or register a click and sometimes having to click twice to change a setting. The connection between the headphones themselves and the headband, while obviously designed for the ear cups to move, did feel slightly flimsy and not particularly strong.

At an RRP of £114.99, the headset is not the cheapest on offer given the features it provides, but if you can afford to spare the cash and you are proud to be a star wars fan, the perfect design and high quality output will make it worth every penny.

Ultimately, Razer set out with a big goal when they undertook this  project, to provide a good quality headset, that would be designed to fit into the star wars universe, whose fan base can  be incredibly critical of any work done with or based on the series. Fortunately, Razer seems to have pulled it off with this beautifully designed and high quality headset. With only a few negative points which are heavily outweighed by the positives. This headset is a uniquely designed, high quality device that I would recommend to anyone looking for a new headset, and a must buy for a  hardcore Star Wars fan. Given its high quality, unique design to tie in with Star Wars: The Old Republic and unique lighting system, this product has been awarded the:

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