Sony to Start Limiting PlayStation Download Bandwidth

With us all being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible during the Coronavirus outbreak, many of you have likely turned to your consoles as a means of passing the time. If you own a PS4, however, then you might want to get your downloads out of the way ASAP.
In a report via their official website, Sony has announced that they are introducing download speed limits. Specifically, to try and ensure the service can remain operational and at a decent level.
Sony Introduces Download Speed Limites to the PS4
While already being in place across Europe, Sony has since updated the blog post. In it, they now confirm that this ‘download speed limit’ has also been rolled out in America.
“Playing videogames enables players all over the world to connect with friends and family and enjoy much needed entertainment during these uncertain times. Sony Interactive Entertainment is working with internet service providers in Europe to manage download traffic. To help preserve access for the entire internet community.
We believe it is important to do our part to address internet stability concerns. As an unprecedented number of people are practicing social distancing and are becoming more reliant on internet access.
Players may experience somewhat slower or delayed game downloads but will still enjoy robust gameplay. We appreciate the support and understanding from our community, and their doing their part, as we take these measures in an effort to preserve access for everyone.
Beginning today, we will take similar measures in the United States. And we will continue to take appropriate action to do our part to help ensure internet stability as this unprecedented situation continues to evolve. We are grateful for the role we play in helping deliver a sense of community and entertainment in these very trying times. Thank you again for your support, your patience, and for being part of the PlayStation community. Please stay home and stay safe”

What Do We Think?
We have already seen both Netflix and YouTube introduce similar measures on their respective platforms. As such, it’s hardly surprising to see Sony follow suit. If you do, therefore, plan to buy any games via their digital store, you’re probably advised to do so sooner rather than later. Why? Well, the chances are that as more and more people get self-isolated, Sony may have to place even tighter restrictions on their download bandwidth.
As we have said before though, if this helps keep things ‘stable’, you can’t exactly grumble! Well, not that much at least!
What do you think? Have you already started to notice slower download speeds on your PlayStation? – Let us know in the comments!