Spying Techniques Exposed by Snowden Deemed Lawful by UK Watchdog
Since Edward Snowden leaked details of ethically-questionable spying techniques used by three UK intelligence agencies last year, civil rights groups such as Anmesty International and the American Civil Liberties Union declared the techniques incompatible with the UK Human Rights Act. However, after an investigation into whether these techniques breached human rights, the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal has declared that they “are satisfied that this is not the case.”
“We have ruled that the current regime, both in relation to Prism and Upstream (another NSA program) when conducted in accordance with the requirements which we have considered, is lawful and human rights-compliant,” said the IPT.
Rachel Logan, legal adviser for Amnesty UK, scoffed, claiming, “The government has managed to bluff their way out of this, retreating into closed hearings and constantly playing the ‘national security’ card.” She said that Amnesty would be challenging the decision in the European Court of Human Rights.
Source: Daily News Now