Super Mario 64 Completed Without Using the A Button for the First Time in 28 Years

/ 4 weeks ago
Super Mario 64 Completed Without Using the A Button for the First Time in 28 Years

A speedrunner has achieved an incredible milestone by completing Super Mario 64 without ever pressing the A button. This remarkable accomplishment took 86 hours and was thought impossible for nearly 28 years.

Marbler completed this feat by using a combination of creative gameplay, exploiting glitches, and extreme precision. The A button, essential for jumping, was entirely avoided. This record was set on the Wii Virtual Console version of the game, the only version where it is possible to achieve this.

Years of Determination

The journey to this achievement has a long history. The Super Mario 64 A Button Challenge has been pursued since the early 2000s. The speedrunning community has continuously discovered new techniques and methods to minimize A button presses, culminating in this ultimate success. This achievement builds on the decades of efforts by many speedrunners

This accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of the speedrunning community. It highlights how collaborative efforts can push the boundaries of what is possible in gaming, even with challenges thought to be insurmountable.

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