Transformers Developer “High Moon” Are Developing A Next Gen Title
The rumour mill is spinning again today as we hear that Activision based developer High Moon Studios are hard at work on a new next gen game. Of course it’s hardly a stretch of the imagination to think that a games developer is making a new game, they wouldn’t be very good at what they do if they weren’t at least making something!
The developer is best known for its work on the more recent Transformer titles, although as some of you may know, they’re also working on a title called Deadpool which is set to be released this June for current gen consoles.
According to some insider sources, High Moon Studio are working on a brand new next-gen game, which is due to be released on the Xbox Next and the PlayStation 4 and is unlikely to be released on either the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3.
The title hasn’t been officially announced just yet, and that’s not that surprising as Microsoft has yet to show of their hardware and Sony are still playing their cards close to their chest until the next PlayStation even later this month and of course, E3 2013.
The speculation is the best part of course and given the developer has a strong history of Transformers titles, I would say that’s a safe bet, although it really could be anything given that the dev is making Deadpool, and they could even have a new idea under their sleeve. What would you like to see, Transformers, or something new and original?