Turns out Brits Aren’t Signing up to ISP Filters

/ 11 years ago


ISP filters, you either love them or you hate them, I personally have no use for them but families with small children do. The numbers are on the decline with less and less people wanting this additional protection their ISP has to offer. It really depends on the buyer and what situation they may be in, like I said previously, some may have families with small children who use the internet for school and the parents don’t exactly want their small child watching pornography now do they. On the other hand there’s people like myself, old enough to know what’s good and bad on the internet and will automatically detect a scam or phishing website.

The stats are interesting to read through, only 5 percent of new customers accepted the filter at BT, while 8 percent did so at Sky. About 36 percent of customers signed up for the TalkTalk filter, and 4 percent bought into Virgin Media’s offer. To me this shows that TalkTalk has a lot of customers that live in family households as they have the highest sign up rate for their filter.

The Office of Communications determined that 100 percent of BT, Sky, and TalkTalk customers were immediately informed about the option to add a filter upon activation of their service. Only 35% of customers from Virgin Media were informed about their options regarding a filter.

In the end it all comes down to personal preference and whether or not you trust your kids, if you have any, when they are online but by looking at those results, it seems that British folk just don’t want to know or don’t care much for ISP filters. Can’t blame them really.

Thanks to Venturebeat for supplying us with this information.

Image courtesy of Wired.

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