CAPCOM Accidentally Releases Denuvo DRM-Free Resident Evil 2
Ron Perillo / 6 years ago

DRM-Free Executable Now Available Online
It appears that CAPCOM has released Resident Evil 2 without the Denuvo anti-tamper DRM protection in place. The company has since realized their mistake and updated it to have DRM scheme. Although not before folks online noticed it and started mirroring the executable file.
This executable file is apparently a lot smaller at 170MB. It is based on the version 1.04 of the game. In comparison, the regular Denuvo-protected Resident Evil 2 executable is 362MB in size according to DSOGaming.

Whether this DRM-free version has any noticeable performance advantage is unknown at this time. Although I’m sure many are trying to benchmark and compare it to find out now.
Where Can I Download This DRM-Free Resident Evil 2?
For obvious legal and ethical reasons we cannot host and link to those files. Merely report that they are out there now from usual sources that host those kinds of files.
Interestingly, CAPCOM has since removed Denuvo on Resident Evil 7, so they might eventually plan to release the official DRM-free version after some time. Just don’t expect it to be any time soon. Especially considering it is a single-player game and that it is still selling so many copies.