Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Takes Another Step Closer to Death!

Internet Explorer has been experiencing its death rattle for more than a few years now. And death rattle is an…

1 year ago

Internet Explorer is Nearly Dead But Microsoft Might Finish the Job on Feb 14th!

Back in the Summer Microsoft officially announced that support for Internet Explorer had concluded and the browser was now officially…

2 years ago

Internet Explorer’s Death Gets ‘Commemorated’ With Tombstone!

On June 15th (last week for those of you without a calendar), one of the most iconic pieces of internet…

2 years ago

Internet Explorer Has Officially Died! – A Brief Obituary!

Initially released back in 1995, Internet Explorer was, for many people, their first gateway into the online world. - This…

2 years ago

Microsoft Confirms Internet Explorer Will Die Next Year

I think it's pretty safe to say that very few people still actively use Internet Explorer 11. In fact, it's…

3 years ago

Microsoft Details the End of Flash Support for Edge

All good things must, sooner or later, come to an end. When it was announced back in 2017 that the…

4 years ago

Microsoft Confirms End-Of-Life for Internet Explorer & Edge Legacy

With the relatively recent launch of Microsoft's new (and excellent) Chromium-based Edge, it seemed that the writing was always on…

4 years ago

Microsoft to fix Actively Exploited Internet Explorer Security Flaw

Now, the chances are that the vast majority of you reading this probably don't use Internet Explorer. With around 80%…

5 years ago

Microsoft Confirms Huge Internet Explorer Security Exploit

So, I'm going to start by stating the obvious as its something you probably already said to yourself as you…

5 years ago

Stop Using Internet Explorer Warns Microsoft

Stop Using Internet Explorer Yes, we know that Edge gets the tough end of the stick quite often. However, let's…

5 years ago

Internet Explorer Fix May Cause Lenovo Laptop Issues

Internet Explorer At the time of writing, the user figures for Internet Explorer are pretty bad. How bad? Well, depending…

6 years ago

Microsoft Releases Emergency Patch To Fix Day One IE Issue

Emergency Patch For Internet Explorer How the mighty have fallen! Despite Microsoft's browser dominance with Internet Explorer, the last 5…

6 years ago

Microsoft Giving Up On Edge With Plans For Chromium Browser

Microsoft Giving Up On Edge With the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft really tried to push forward their Edge browser.…

6 years ago

Windows 10 Performs U-Turn On Browser Warning

Windows 10 Performs U-Turn On Browser Warning Despite Microsoft trying to push it quite hard within the Windows 10 platform,…

6 years ago

Firefox 61 Tries To Be Faster By Guessing What You Want To Do

Firefox 61 Launches With Smart Features Attempting To Improve Speed I think it's reasonably fair to say that most of…

6 years ago