
UK Proposes New Law Making the Sharing of ‘Adult’ Deepfakes Illegal!

Following relatively recent development and overall improvements in AI technology, 'deepfake' videos are undoubtedly becoming a problem that the internet,…

2 years ago

OnlyFans Wants to Distance Itself From Having Just ‘Adult Content’ (Because it Doesn’t!)

OnlyFans does have something of a reputation for mostly being a repository for adult content. It is, after all, where…

2 years ago

Popular Steam App Used to Share Adult Content in China (Bypassing State Censorship)

I'm sure that many of you are aware that China has quite possibly the strictest and most heavily censored internet…

2 years ago

Malware on the Rise as Adult Websites Get Targeted by Hackers!

At the risk of sounding a little obvious, when it comes to hackers attempting to put malware on an unsuspecting…

2 years ago

UK Edges Closer Towards Online ‘Passports to Porn’

For the last three years, the UK Government has regularly discussed/proposed plans to introduce terser age verification checks when it…

2 years ago

Apple to Start Scanning US iPhones for Child Abuse Images

It's a difficult subject to discuss, but sadly there are a lot of people out there who actively seek, obtain,…

3 years ago

Pornhub Brings ‘Relief’ To Coronavirus Victims in Italy

If you're been paying attention to the news, then you're probably aware that the Coronavirus outbreak has recently put Italy…

4 years ago

Scrapped UK Porn Law Sees ‘Blocking’ Firms Seeking Damages

Around this time last year, the UK Government rubber-stamped a law that would require anyone accessing 'adult' material online to…

5 years ago

UK Finally (and Quietly) Drops Plans for Online Porn Age Checks

Late last year, the UK Government proposed changes to the law that would require any access to online pornographic websites…

5 years ago

Adult Company Buys Doxing Website To (Literally) Burn it Down

Doxing, if you are not familiar with the term, is an attempt to find out someone's true identity who may…

5 years ago

Porn Pirating Lawyer Jailed For Blackmailing Downloaders

With the UK recently looking to implement new online pornography laws (more on that via the link here) most peoples…

5 years ago

UK Porn Blackmailer Jailed For Over 6 Years

Porn Blackmailer Jailed While the internet is a fantastic resource for education, learning, entertainment and leisure, there is also another…

5 years ago

UK Porn Laws – Update – Scrapped Completely!

Update - Scrapped Completely! Well, we all knew that when the UK Government proposed introducing an online porn age verification…

5 years ago

Tumblr Loses Nearly 100m Users After Porn Ban

Tumblr Loses Nearly 100m Users In 1 Month Towards the end of last year, social media site Tumblr announced that…

5 years ago

Porn Age Verification Internet Law Passes In UK

UK Porn Age Verification Law For around 2 years now, the UK government has been looking into introducing a law that…

6 years ago