Watch the First Trailer for James Cameron’s Terminator: Dark Fate
Ron Perillo / 6 years ago

The “True” Terminator 3 is Almost Here
It has been two years since James Cameron announced that he will be returning to the Terminator film franchise. Furthermore, he seeks to take back control after the release of three movies that were not quite up to par with his initial two movies.
It will continue directly from the events of Terminator 2. Effectively ignoring all other Terminator movies and TV shows released after 1991. Officially titled Terminator: Dark Fate, the first trailer is now viewable online.
Cameron has handed off the directorial reigns to VFX guru Tim Miller (Deadpool). However, the new movie will be following his original story. Screenplay is by veteran action movie writer David S. Goyer (Batman Begins). Cameron is also there to oversee everything and will reunite Linda Hamilton with Arnold Schwarzenegger onscreen.

North American distributor Paramount Pictures has also released a mini-featurette showing some behind the scenes footage.
What is the Movie About?
Hamilton will be reprising her role as Sarah Connor, while Schwarzenegger will return as the T-800. However, the movie is introducing several new characters to the franchise.

As the trailer shows, Sarah Connor arrives in the middle of a chase between a new Terminator and two women. This new Terminator is played by Gabriel Luna and appears to be able to independently control its endoskeleton and liquid metal form. One of the women is played by Mackenzie Davis and appears to be a cyborg rather than an android.
Why the Terminator is after the other woman named Natalia Reyes (played by Dani Ramos) is the question. She is essentially the “new Sarah Connor” and is possibly the key to ending the war in the future.

When is ‘Dark Fate’ Coming Out?
The theatrical release for the movie is on schedule for November 1st, 2019.