Mikes Rant – Games That Really Deserve A Sequel

/ 6 years ago
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Mikes Rant 9 – Games That Really Deserve A Sequel – But Probably Won’t Get one!

We all have our own favourite video games. It is a very contentious subject I know, but I think most people have a game that is perhaps a little obscure or didn’t do so well that has a very soft place in their heart. Maybe the game did fantastically! Who knows! For many of us, some of our most beloved games are not because they were so amazing, but because a sequel was never made.

This is something that for fans of a particular game can be very frustrating. Particularly when you see some games getting sequels churned out each and every year. Often games that do not deserve it in the slightest!

As such, when we don’t get a follow-up, we have to improvise. This usually means that we’ve had to squeeze every ounce of pleasure we can from it!

So, in this rant, I take a look at the games I love the most, but for some reason or another never saw a sequel and yes, EA will be mentioned a lot here!


Mikes Rant Choice – Blade Runner – 1997

You may not even have realised this, but a Blade Runner game was made for the PC in 1997. Put simply, it was fantastic and a technical masterpiece. It contained a branching plot (albeit rather limited) and some of the best cutscenes ever seen at the time. Better still it faithfully addressed a franchise which, as a whole (even 20 years later) has not had nearly as much love and attention than it deserves.

What was perhaps the most incredible aspect of the game was the fact that it didn’t require a 3D accelerator. For you kids out there, there was a time when graphics cards were not a required part of a gaming PC. Many games were able, through the use of very crude APU technology, to run games quite effectively. Considering that Blade Runner contained both 3D models over 2D environments, this in itself was ingenious.

The worst thing is though that despite incredibly good reviews, the game never had a sequel. Now, being developed by Westwood Studios, I could be tempted to point the finger at EA here. The fact is though that while the EA acquisition may have killed any potential, it was Westwood who had more than enough time to make one themselves if they wished.

Why they didn’t may have been something to do with the Blade Runner franchise itself. I understand that the game was not a massive commercial success. In addition, I also understand that the Blade Runner license doesn’t come cheaply. It is, however, a travesty that to date a new Blade Runner adventure game hasn’t been made!

When watching the trailer, I would again want to remind you of two major points. Remember – this was 1997 and in addition, this game needed no graphics accelerator! Truly remarkable!

Command & Conquer – No Official Sequel Since 2010

Now, as I write this, probably just to troll me, EA has announced that a new C&C game is in development. Before you get excited though, this game, (C&C Rivals) is going to be a mobile-only release. Therefore, I feel very justified in including this franchise in my list!

Having played most Command & Conquer games, I have a lot of love for these games. Sadly, however, times moved beyond both me and the game itself. Yes, admittedly the demand for real-time strategy games isn’t massive these days. Games like Company Of Heroes 2, however, have shown that there is still a market for it.

I should add at this point that C&C Red Alert 3 had a fantastic cast. This included Tim Curry (the original Pennywise and Rocky Horror Superstar), George Takai (oh my!), Rik Flair (wooo!) and even Oscar-winning J.K. Simmons. That’s pretty impressive and enough to massage the geekiest centres of our souls!

I still have absolutely no idea why we haven’t seen some kind of sequel since 2010!

If EA is really not going to bother with this franchise any more (beyond mobile games) then this definitely deserves one final AAA blowout. If, for no other reason, than to just remind us how great these games were!

Okami – 2006 (Not Including the HD Re-Releases)

Okami originally released in 2006 for the Wii and PS2. Graphically the game was an absolute masterpiece. Basing itself (and the mechanics of the game) on Japanese brush stroke art, it was an absolute joy to behold. Better still, it was an absolute critical success. As we have seen before on this list though (and will see again), critical acclaim does not necessarily lead to success.

In terms of sales, the game was a bit of a bomb. It didn’t sell well at all. Despite this though, over the years the game has built itself an incredibly strong and loyal fanbase. A fanbase that was even strong enough to warrant several re-releases of the game including most recently an HD remaster for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Admittedly, Okami is a bit of a niche game. It was perhaps a little too artsy to draw in the generic gaming crowd. These days though, it has a lot more to its name and is much better known. In the right hands, a sequel could be one of the most amazing games we have ever seen!

Mikes Rant – Any Lucasarts Game!

Ok, so the list is rather big here. I can literally though, without thinking hard at all, list at least half a dozen Lucasarts games that deserve a sequel!

You want me to name them?… Fine!

  • Monkey Island (no, I’m not counting Telltales version!)
  • Full Throttle
  • Grim Fandango
  • Day of The Tentacle
  • The Dig
  • Indiana Jones

There, that wasn’t so hard. I could have mentioned ‘Outlaws’ which is a much under-rated first-person shooter from 1997. I might even have included Sam and Max, but I’m a little more forgiving of the Telltale iteration of that game. The bottom line is though that while we may all grumble about EA, Lucasarts has at least a catalogue of games that are just as good and perhaps even as much in demand.

With Disney having officially killed Lucasarts Games 5 years ago though, the chances of a sequel are not great. Disney is not exactly well known for making games. At least, not these days.

Grim Fandango though surely deserves a new release!

Games I Could Have Mentioned!

There are many games I could have mentioned in this list. For example, Leisure Suit Larry, Theme Hospital or the 7th Guest. There is, however, a very good reason for that. Put simply, these games are actually all getting sequels. Some are admittedly a little more ‘flexible’ in that term than others. They are, however, sequels none-the-less.

Leisure Suit Larry has a brand new (and completely unexpected) game due for release later this year! You can read more about that here!

Theme Hospital is getting a spiritual successor in Two Point Hospital. One of the technical parts of the deal. That is also due to release later this year! You can read more about that here!

Finally, The 7th Guest, while not getting an official sequel, is getting an officially licensed fan-made sequel later this year as well! This is again, a little technical in the definition. You can read an exclusive interview we conducted with the project lead Ryan Holtkamp here.

So, overall, I can’t grumble too much. In terms of gaming sequels, I really want, 2018 is going to treat me pretty well. Despite that though, I still have plenty more I want sequels for. I guess I’ll they’ll never make me entirely happy!

Mikes Rant – What do you think?

Which games in your opinion deserve a sequel? Do you think Mike has missed out a major game here? – Let us know in the comments!


Mike plays far too many games and as such, has a number of completely ridiculous ideas and opinions about them. Despite this, he does seem to know his stuff. We could argue with him, but whats the point? He’ll just keep arguing back and eventually either start crying or run out the door with his fingers in his ears. Bottom line is, what Mike thinks is Mikes business, not ours!

More of Mikes Rant

Did you enjoy Mikes Rant and want to check out more? – Well, for all of his rants you can check out the link here!

Which one is your favourite? – Let us know in the comments!

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