Tesla Model 3 Production Line Shuts Down Again

/ 6 years ago

Tesla Shuts Down Model 3 Production Line

Tesla cars might perhaps be one of the most in-demand brands in motoring today. There is, however, one major problem that the car company is facing. The demand is massively exceeding the supply. In terms of business, that is never good.

Since production started on the Model 3, Tesla has been hounded with problems in getting them built. It’s either supply line problems or difficulties in getting parts, particularly for the batteries.

In a report via SlashGear, however, they are facing yet more problems. In the report, Tesla has had to shut down the production line of the Model 3 cars. This marks the 2nd time the company has had to do this since the start of the year. The company has reported that they are having significant ‘bottle-neck’ issues and as such the line is having to be shut down so that other areas can catch up.

In fairness, it does make sense. There’s no point having, for example, 1000 cars coming off the line when you can only get your hands on enough wheels for 200 of them.


Another sign of problems at Tesla?

While the shut down might make a lot of sense in terms of production, it won’t do anything to dispell certain rumours. For well over a year now, growing opinions have suggested that the car company may be experiencing major cash-flow problems. These are certainly not going to be helped when news stories such as this emerge.

Elon Musk has regularly dispelled any concerns over the car company, but there’s rarely smoke without some fire. That’s speaking metaphorically, not about the cars literally.

What do you think about this? Why is Tesla struggling so much with production? In addition, do you think that they are in any financial trouble? – Let us know in the comments!

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