Here’s How Steam Got Hacked Last Week
Did you think that email confirmations and generated code needed to log into unauthorized computers would stop hackers from hijacking your Steam account? Well, think again! But to be fair, it seems like the real problem was mainly down to the security team at Steam.
Before you freak out, the security problem has been fixed, but you should change your password on your Steam account just to be on the safe side. All this seems to have started when users from NeoGAF, Reddit and Twitch TV reported that their accounts have been hacked.
A redditer claims that he lost some items from his account on July 21st when his account got hacked, but Steam never sent him an email to authorize a new PC login. Also, streamers such as Summit1G, Phant0ml0rd, Goldglove, and JoshOG have also reported that their accounts were hacked.
All of this happened during a Steam service outage, but they immediately brought everything back up and assured everyone that the problem has been dealt with. However, another NeoGAF user told everyone in a post on Sunday that Steam is experiencing a massive attack and that he had woken up with a lot of password reset requests from somewhere in the Russian Federation.
What we know so far, it seems that Steam was experiencing a massive security problem. To better explain how the hack worked, watch the video below, but also take note that the security breach in the video has now been fixed.
Has your account been compromised? Have you lost anything from your inventory? Let us know in the comments below.
Thank you Dual Pixels for providing us with this information
Dahayum how did they miss on this?
What the FUCK?