Latest Technology & Gaming News & Reviews

Say Hello To A 3D Printed Car – The LM3D Swim

We've all heard about 3D printers, being able to create your everyday bits and bobs at home by just printing off a copy from your computer. There are even extreme examples where people have 3D printed bridges or even houses. The ...

8 years ago

Windows 10 Mobile Will Not Come to All Lumia Phones as Promised

With news that Windows 10 Mobile will be coming to the Lumia line of phones, people were eagerly awaiting the update after what could only be considered a lackluster of support and empty promises for windows 8 mobile. Sadly not ...

8 years ago

Near Miss at Los Angeles Airport Calls for Future Drone Regulation

Drones are on everybody's wish list this year. If you want them to just enjoy being in charge of your very own Enterprise or just because you are curious about the new technology, you should remember to use them safely. Sadly that ...

8 years ago

OCUK Offers Free SSD with ASUS GTX 970 Graphics Cards

Who doesn't like to get free stuff? And especially when it is something as sweet as a solid state drive. That is what you currently can get, at least if you purchase one of the participating ASUS GTX 970 graphics cards at ...

8 years ago

Microsoft to Offer Tool for Porting Chrome Extensions to Edge

With the release of their new operating system, Windows 10, Microsoft has been keen on getting users to use their new software. Not just their operating system is new, though, with Edge replacing the demonised Internet explorer. ...

8 years ago

Microsoft Wants to Know If You’ll Sell Back Your Digital Games

With the internet as fast as it is, and people gaining access to bigger and bigger storage options at cheaper prices, it comes as no surprise that people prefer the method of digital delivery for games. Being able to click a button ...

8 years ago

Software Behind Futurama and Princess Mononoke Is Going Open Source

When it comes to software these days there are always options for you to choose from. The big decision is often based on your budget. If you were interested in making your own anime then you might be in luck as the software some ...

8 years ago

New Service Lets You Test Whether Your VPN Leaks

Millions of users around the world use VPN or proxy services to hide their real location. This can be for a multitude of reasons, may it be to stay anonymous while downloading torrents or to get around geoblocking restrictions, ...

8 years ago

AMD Raven Ridge APUs May Combine Zen and Polaris With HBM

One of the first applications that came to mind with HBM was pairing it up with an AMD APU. Proven to work as VRAM with the Fiji GPUs last year, HBM also has possible applications to act as a high-speed cache for other applications ...

8 years ago

Google Glass Enterprise Edition Headset Found on eBay

Ever since being removed from sale last year, Google has slowly but surely been removing all reference to the device. Now, an unusual version of the headset has been found on eBay, which appears to be the long-rumoured ...

8 years ago

QPAD MK-90 RGB Pro Gaming Mechanical Keyboard Review

Introduction The mechanical keyboard market is fiercely competitive, even more so when it comes to the high-end ranges, where prices can often be around £150 for a fully equipped RGB unit, especially if you're looking for ...

8 years ago

Amazon Customer Banned for Returning Faulty Goods

A self-confessed Amazon addict has had his account banned and gift card balance seized after returning a number of items which he insists were faulty. Greg Nelson, a computer programmer from the UK, bought 343 items from the online ...

8 years ago

Brutal DOOM 64 Early Alpha Gameplay Revealed

Anticipation has been building ever since Sergeant_Mark_IV, the man responsible for the Brutal DOOM mod, revealed he was working on a new version of DOOM 64. To sate that appetite, Sergeant_Mark_IV has revealed the first glimpse at ...

8 years ago

Galaxy in Turmoil is a Fan Made Remake of Battlefront 3

Even though there are quite a few gamers out there that are currently enjoying EA's Battlefront, this is not the game that diehard Star Wars fans have been waiting for. The successor to Battlefront 2, namely Battlefront 3, was ...

8 years ago

Telltale’s Batman Game Will Be Launched in Summer

Remember when we told you that Telltale was working on its own Batman game? Well, sources now indicate that the game is nearly completed and that it will be launched officially this summer, which is just a few months away. ...

8 years ago

Internet to Name £200M Royal Research Ship With Predictable Results!

The Natural Environment Research Council, in a move that many would consider unwise, are leaving the name of their newest Royal Research Ship, which costs £200 million up to an open vote online. Comically, but perhaps far more ...

8 years ago

Dark Souls III PC Graphics Options Revealed

Dark Souls III is set to be another lesson in patience, putting you, your controller/keyboard/mouse and your temper to the test in another hard as nails adventure. Aside from the inevitable "You Are Dead" type messages every other ...

8 years ago

Checkout the Latest DM Map for Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament is one of the most iconic deathmatch shooters ever created, and while I'm sure many of you have played previous entries in the series, did you know that the new one is free to play? The game's been available for ...

8 years ago

The Division Looks Incredible in 4K with SweetFX

The Division is already winning praise from gamers around the world, not only for being an Ubisoft game that apparently doesn't suck but for also being a visual tour de force. Of course, when it comes to being a PC gamer, we all ...

8 years ago

Humble Store Features Deals On Activision Games

Humble Bundle are known for their bundles, but more recently they've started up several other offerings. If you feel like comics or books, the humble book bundles currently offering sci-fi and thriller stories from upcoming authors ...

8 years ago

Uber Family Lets You Pay for Friends and Families Uber Rides

Remember the days before people had contract phones, when you ran out of credit and had no way to contact your family because you had no money on you? The answer was to do a reverse call and get your family to foot the phone bill ...

8 years ago

Autobraking Set To Be A Standard By 2022

Cars these days are as much technology as they are mechanical, with everything from your indicator and dashboard to the radio and pedals attached to a computer which helps you organise and drive as much as your driving teacher did ...

8 years ago

Senate Holds Online Ad Company ‘Backpage’ in Contempt of Congress

The internet can be a wonderful thing and lets you view everything from your favourite show several days early to downloading the latest games on their day of release. The problem being though is that not all content on the ...

8 years ago

CRACUNS Drone Able to Deploy from Underwater Station Developed

Drones may be beginning to fill the skies and seas for a number of purposes, but what if a drone could lurk beneath the surface, just waiting to be deployed on an aerial operation? A drone developed by John Hopkins ...

8 years ago

SilverStone TS11-C USB 3.1 Docking Station Review

Introduction We have tested quite a few of SilverStone's storage solutions in the past and while the new TS11-C external hard drive docking station might look like previous models, it is special as it comes with the newest ...

8 years ago

Twitter to Keep 140-Character Limit Afterall

Recently, Twitter had revealed plans to remove the 140-character per tweet limit that currently existing on the platform, 10,000-characters being the suggested new limit. This news did not have the desired effect amongst their ...

8 years ago

FTC Warns Apps Could Be Invading Your Privacy

We all love downloading that new app. Be it a game or something more practical for everyday use, we love exploring it and finding out what it does. Seems like some Apps may be returning the favour and not even telling us about it ...

8 years ago

Intel’s Skull Canyon NUC Ready For Gaming

Traditionally if you wanted to play video games on a PC you needed a full case PC with all the components within the case taking up space. In recent years, the craze of small gaming rigs has seen gaming laptops catch up with the ...

8 years ago

Airline Passengers Phone Catches Fire Mid-Flight

If you are reading this on your phone you may want to put it down on the table and read it from afar. Phones are known for having the odd quirk of behaviour here and there but when it comes to catching fire, that's probably their ...

8 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077: “We Will Show Something and it Must be F****ng Great.” Says CD Projekt Red

The issue with creating a successful game is that once you've done one, your next one is expected to be at the same level or even better. Much like with movies you are expected to build upon your last game, making each game (be it ...

8 years ago

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