
Palworld Developers Decide Against Using Generative AI in Future Games

The developers of Palworld, PocketPair, have recently clarified their stance on using generative AI in their future projects. Despite the growing trend in the gaming industry to adopt AI technology, PocketPair is choosing a different path to maintain a healthy distance from it.

Palworld Developers Avoid Generative AI in Future Games

Takuro Mizobe, CEO of PocketPair, explained in an interview with GameSpark (thanks Automaton) that while AI technology is advancing rapidly, its use in game development is a sensitive issue. He emphasized that although AI is remarkable in terms of technology, it is also seen as controversial from an artistic standpoint. Mizobe stated, “AI is in a stage of transition. While many regard it as remarkable in terms of technology, it’s also seen as unacceptable from an artistic point of view and because of how machine learning works.”

PocketPair has previously experimented with AI technology in their 2022 game, AI: Art Imposter. However, the mixed reactions from users have led them to reconsider its use. Mizobe highlighted that the primary goal is to entertain players without upsetting them. Therefore, the studio will avoid actively pursuing AI technology that could generate negative feedback.

This approach aligns with other industry players like Nintendo, who have also refrained from making explicit commitments to AI. Both companies are exceptions in an industry where many developers are eager to integrate generative AI into their projects.

Solomon Thompson

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