ASUS Z87 Maximus VI Formula (LGA 1150) Motherboard Review
Packaging And Accessories
The packaging is very typical of the ASUS’ ROG series. It uses the trademark burgundy red colour scheme and comes in an absolutely massive box.
The back is what you’d expect of most big motherboard vendors, a total information overload of features and specifications. We encourage you to check out the official product page if you want to know more about any of these features or specifications.
The accessory bundle, as with most ROG motherboards from ASUS, is quite large. Firstly we have an extensive user guide, quick start guide and a do not disturb door hanger. There’s also a driver and utility DVD (which contains all the bundled software we mentioned on the first page so don’t throw it away!), a case badge/sticker and cable labels for keeping track of what cable goes to which device.
They include 8 SATA III cables for the 10 provided SATA ports, the ASUS ROG mPCIe combo card (which has 802.11ac WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0), a padded rear I/O shield, ASUS “Q connectors” to help you manage your front panel cables, an ROG branded SLI bridge and a wireless antenna for the mPCIe combo card.